Timeline Statistics for Assessments

YESAB - Timeline Statistics for Assessments

YESAB maintains a collection of assessment statistics to help proponents understand the average time it may take to complete an assessment.  The statistics published here are estimates that use 90% of the projects assessed by YESAB for a specific timeframe. This gives proponents and participants a realistic estimate that they can use to plan and prepare their project proposals.


Reduce the Amount of Time an Assessment Takes

It has been our experience that the majority of projects move through the assessment process faster if proponents:

  • Talk to a YESAB assessor to fully understand what is required within your project proposal.
  • Ensure your project proposal is complete and contains the information and level of detail required for assessment.
  • Respond to any information requests quickly and completely.
  • Submit your project proposal directly online through the YESAB Online Registry.
  • Inform the local community and First Nations about your proposed project activities.
  • Monitor your project online during the assessment process.

Current Project Statistics

 Click on Current Project Statistics to learn about Designated Office Assessment Statistics.